This is the only way I can even attempt to describe the life I am now leading.
It is crazy.
Parties all the time, great music, great people, cheap drinks, amazing city. There is almost no time to sleep with the amount of things to do here in Liverpool.
A few weeks ago I paid a visit to my friends in Nottingham and Derby. That was a brilliant weekend. I went to a club in Derby called The Blue Note which was a good night out with my friend and his university corridor. It seems odd to know people all over the country who now all have a complete new set of friends and have settled into new areas, when all but a month or two ago you were all sitting in a room watching films talking about how strange it will be to not be at home. The day after I was in Derby I went to Nottingham to go and see another friend and also to go and see Nero playing in Rock City Nottingham. Again this was an amazing night opened up by Skream who played some crazy dubstep mixes and got the crowd going wild.
Last week I went to see Ben Ufo & Blawan playing in The Shipping Forecast which is an amazing club tucked in the heart of your classic mainstream clubs. It has a really nice bar upstairs with a really chilled out crowd. You go down the stone staircase to the area where all the main DJs play and you enter a whole new world. This is not your standard club. The basement is only a small room but combined with the sound system they have set up down there it is simply amazing. The show was fantastic with quite a housey sounding set by Ben Ufo, everyone in the crowd went crazy for it.
Image taken by Matthew Ball
The day after Ben Ufo & Blawan I went to see Modeselektor, 2manydj's and D/R/U/G/S in a place called The Masque. That night was crazy. The bass just seemed to get louder and louder and the crowd crazier and crazier for the music.
I had never heard of Modeselektor till the night and they were a LOT different to what I was expecting. They played before 2manydj's and it was probably one of the strangest sets I have seen. The amount of strobe light mixed with the borderline demonic sounds that were being thrown out of their speakers made it a really trippy experience.
2manydj's followed this odd but brilliant set with some crazy songs and remixes. If you ever have the chance to go and see them. DO IT. They will blow your mind. There was a crazy amount of people crammed into the same room, all bouncing.
image taken from
Tonight I am going to see Erol ALkan, Hudson Mohawke, Dj Yoda, Lvis1990 and CantMixWontMixShdntMixDontMix with a few friends from the college I am currently in, there would be more but one has decided to go see friends in Leeds and the other has gone to see his girlfriend in Glasgow! another example of how spread across the country everyone is! Hopefully tonight will be as good as the others.
The only problem I have with going out tonight is that I am going rowing tomorrow with the university rowing team! Another thing I have done since I arrived!
Already I have had a few social nights with the team and they have been brilliant. Every sports team goes out on AU (Athletics Union) night dressed in a different fancy dress! The rowing teams fancy dress was Vikings this time around
The night was insane. By the end of it there were viking hats and axes ALL over the club we all went to and a mess of very, very drunk athletes everywhere. Probably one of the best nights out in Liverpool I have had so far!
The next social was cocktail night, this started at an exclusive gentlemans club hidden away in the main shopping area of Liverpool! I thought I knew the city like the back of my hand.. the shopping areas anyway... but it turns out this place had managed to go unseen until now! It was a rather posh place with huge painting on the walls, a massive private library and a lot of history.
Picture taken by Finn Mainstone of Mainstone Media
The night moved on and we went to the tequila bar (Cava) and then hit the clubs. The tequila bar being one of my favourite places in liverpool due to it having a ton of diffrent tequila flavours all only £1 a shot! a good start to any crazy night out.
So thats a VERY brief summary of the past week or so in university. Hopefully with many more crazy stories to come!
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Saturday, 24 September 2011
Summer 2011.
Ok so I said I would be back soon and ... honestly .. forgot about blogging.. which I am really sorry about.
This summer has been stupidly good and I have managed to cram sooooo much in. Bulgaria was insane with the lads.
The sheer amount of parties and get together's I have been to is crazy and they have all been amazing.
I am currently at the end of my University freshers week having gained a place on a course at the University of Liverpool. Going to miss everyone whos spread themselves across the country sadly! but hey its only for a few weeks till xmas when we will all be reunited and have a ton of stories to tell!
This is only a brief one due to the fact that I am blasting some crazy house music preparing to get on it majorly and head into town with my uni halls corridor.
Sorry for the lack of posts on the past few months. If I still have any followers at all.... please leave me a comment! have missed you guys! :)
This summer has been stupidly good and I have managed to cram sooooo much in. Bulgaria was insane with the lads.
The sheer amount of parties and get together's I have been to is crazy and they have all been amazing.
I am currently at the end of my University freshers week having gained a place on a course at the University of Liverpool. Going to miss everyone whos spread themselves across the country sadly! but hey its only for a few weeks till xmas when we will all be reunited and have a ton of stories to tell!
This is only a brief one due to the fact that I am blasting some crazy house music preparing to get on it majorly and head into town with my uni halls corridor.
Sorry for the lack of posts on the past few months. If I still have any followers at all.... please leave me a comment! have missed you guys! :)
Monday, 27 June 2011
Awesome start to summer.
What a weekend.
To say the least it has been amazing and crazy.
It started on thursday night, we went for a meal in a local pub and then had a laugh in a new friends flat.
The following day there was a party in the same flat. I decided to get a bottle of Sambuca, which if you have never tried.. and like aniseed.. is well worth having a try of!
When I arrived no one else had any drinks, So I ended up being the mule to go to the shop and look extra dodgy buying a pack of fags, about 20 cans of energy drink .. and also asking for the biggest bottle of vodka the shop had.
Things started slowly with a challenge on fifa ...08 but soon picked up.
I decided it would be a good idea after a couple of cans to attempt something new. image link
YES. Flaming sambuca.. I shiftily asked for two glasses and a lighter from my friend who owns the flat.. to which he handed them over in a bit of a puzzle.
I walked into the kitchen and set the shot ablaze. It went well and so I ended up making shots for a ton of people.
The night went on and pretty much all had a laugh... me and two of the others ended up in a taxi home at 5 AM ..
such a brilliant night.
Saturday I slept till about 1 PM due to my early return home.. and then we had yet another party! this time a friends 18th in a local venue, was a fun night and another great party :)
Sunday consisted of work... much to my annoyance as they messed up my hours and holidays and so im now supposed to be working this weekend when I told them I would be at my school prom on friday and in another country by sunday ... so yeah.... nice one haha.
After work. REVISION for my final exam :D which I had today and it seemed to go really well!
SO I am officially FREE :D and so will be partying like crazy. Went to Liverpool straight after the exam with some legends and ended up in Pizza hut sharing a 14" pizza and nachos which killed me.
Tonight will consist of a party at our friends house... whos parents have gona away for the week and so therefore we have been invited to his house every day this week. Already a brilliant start to what seems to be a fantastic summer :D
To say the least it has been amazing and crazy.
It started on thursday night, we went for a meal in a local pub and then had a laugh in a new friends flat.
The following day there was a party in the same flat. I decided to get a bottle of Sambuca, which if you have never tried.. and like aniseed.. is well worth having a try of!
When I arrived no one else had any drinks, So I ended up being the mule to go to the shop and look extra dodgy buying a pack of fags, about 20 cans of energy drink .. and also asking for the biggest bottle of vodka the shop had.
Things started slowly with a challenge on fifa ...08 but soon picked up.
I decided it would be a good idea after a couple of cans to attempt something new. image link
YES. Flaming sambuca.. I shiftily asked for two glasses and a lighter from my friend who owns the flat.. to which he handed them over in a bit of a puzzle.
I walked into the kitchen and set the shot ablaze. It went well and so I ended up making shots for a ton of people.
The night went on and pretty much all had a laugh... me and two of the others ended up in a taxi home at 5 AM ..
such a brilliant night.
Saturday I slept till about 1 PM due to my early return home.. and then we had yet another party! this time a friends 18th in a local venue, was a fun night and another great party :)
Sunday consisted of work... much to my annoyance as they messed up my hours and holidays and so im now supposed to be working this weekend when I told them I would be at my school prom on friday and in another country by sunday ... so yeah.... nice one haha.
After work. REVISION for my final exam :D which I had today and it seemed to go really well!
SO I am officially FREE :D and so will be partying like crazy. Went to Liverpool straight after the exam with some legends and ended up in Pizza hut sharing a 14" pizza and nachos which killed me.
Tonight will consist of a party at our friends house... whos parents have gona away for the week and so therefore we have been invited to his house every day this week. Already a brilliant start to what seems to be a fantastic summer :D
Thursday, 23 June 2011
One More Exam Till FREEDOM!
So this has been a intense week. By intense.. I mean.. borderline loss of sanity intense.
I had 5 exams crammed into 4 short days which has been, in all honesty, HELL.
These exams included my latest maths module Core 4, I came out of the exam worried that I had bombed out on this exam and failed at an epic level. I had a browse through The Student Room forums and it turns out that I didn't do half bad!
Physics latest module was Tuesday and that actually was a nightmare. I crammed a whole years worth of notes and books in one night and thought I had pulled it off. I came out the exam feeling confident.
This is possibly one of the worst feelings when coming out of an exam, although you don't stress about it because you think you have done well.. the reality of it is that you actually may not have done so well.
I again decided to look through student forums at the results and my heart sank as read answers off. I really hope the grade boundaries are changed and there was also a fault on the paper. One of many of this years exams to contain a fault.
The question was given in centimetres although in the diagram of the question the same measurement was given in metres. Surely they can mark one right and the other wrong when it was the exam boards fault!?! If I lose marks for it then I think heads will roll.
Yesterday was Further Pure Mathematics 1st module, this was a resit from last year and I should have completely flattened that paper. With having time to learn it all again and sort out the kinks from the last paper I was able to finish the paper with plenty of time to spare and check everything thoroughly!!
Also on Tuesday was General Studies, it is a compulsory subject in my school and it feels pointless, it is good in a way as it can give people extra points towards university, but the lessons for the subject involve sitting around talking or watching documentaries on subjects that may not even be tested! The exam is random and you cant predict the questions on the paper and so have to hope that you have some knowledge on the topic! It was a 2 hour exam and my longest one. With being involved in all the number subjects I don't have much time to write and practise essay skills... this is a major disadvantage to those who take English for example! But I will just have to wait for the results in August to see how it went!
And today .. was THE hardest exam I have ever taken. Further Maths Pure 2nd Module. Those words have been haunting me all year and today's exam has gone as expected! I was expecting a crazy hard exam, and that's what I was given. I managed to get through the whole paper giving working out and calculation steps and the occasional answer so hopefully have passed the paper!
But on the bright side..
3 down.... just Physics left, but at least I have the weekend to nerd up on it! and a party Friday and Saturday! should be fun.
Going to need a few of these things. ( image from )
We leave for Bulgaria a week on Monday too! so I have a crazy schedule over the next few weeks
I had 5 exams crammed into 4 short days which has been, in all honesty, HELL.
These exams included my latest maths module Core 4, I came out of the exam worried that I had bombed out on this exam and failed at an epic level. I had a browse through The Student Room forums and it turns out that I didn't do half bad!
Physics latest module was Tuesday and that actually was a nightmare. I crammed a whole years worth of notes and books in one night and thought I had pulled it off. I came out the exam feeling confident.
This is possibly one of the worst feelings when coming out of an exam, although you don't stress about it because you think you have done well.. the reality of it is that you actually may not have done so well.
I again decided to look through student forums at the results and my heart sank as read answers off. I really hope the grade boundaries are changed and there was also a fault on the paper. One of many of this years exams to contain a fault.
The question was given in centimetres although in the diagram of the question the same measurement was given in metres. Surely they can mark one right and the other wrong when it was the exam boards fault!?! If I lose marks for it then I think heads will roll.
Yesterday was Further Pure Mathematics 1st module, this was a resit from last year and I should have completely flattened that paper. With having time to learn it all again and sort out the kinks from the last paper I was able to finish the paper with plenty of time to spare and check everything thoroughly!!
Also on Tuesday was General Studies, it is a compulsory subject in my school and it feels pointless, it is good in a way as it can give people extra points towards university, but the lessons for the subject involve sitting around talking or watching documentaries on subjects that may not even be tested! The exam is random and you cant predict the questions on the paper and so have to hope that you have some knowledge on the topic! It was a 2 hour exam and my longest one. With being involved in all the number subjects I don't have much time to write and practise essay skills... this is a major disadvantage to those who take English for example! But I will just have to wait for the results in August to see how it went!
And today .. was THE hardest exam I have ever taken. Further Maths Pure 2nd Module. Those words have been haunting me all year and today's exam has gone as expected! I was expecting a crazy hard exam, and that's what I was given. I managed to get through the whole paper giving working out and calculation steps and the occasional answer so hopefully have passed the paper!
But on the bright side..
3 down.... just Physics left, but at least I have the weekend to nerd up on it! and a party Friday and Saturday! should be fun.
Going to need a few of these things. ( image from )
We leave for Bulgaria a week on Monday too! so I have a crazy schedule over the next few weeks
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Dear my faithful followers, and more than welcome newcomers,
With the pressure of exams really hitting me hard. Also the realisation that I have 5 exams in 4 days next week. I have decided to hang up the gloves, or my mouse and keyboard as it may be, and stop with the blogging.
Dont worry it will only be for a week or two, by which time I will have plenty of stories and fun things to post up. So in the long run I am doing my faithful followers a favour instead of drawling on pointlessly about nothing.
I have my school prom shortly after the end of my exams and then from there it's all about our lads holiday in Bulgaria!
Should be a laugh with nearly 20 of us going, hopefully we all return in one piece! touch wood.
image from
I will probably have the rime after the exams to pop another post or two on, but that's just a maybe!
I will see what I can do for you.
See you all soon
With the pressure of exams really hitting me hard. Also the realisation that I have 5 exams in 4 days next week. I have decided to hang up the gloves, or my mouse and keyboard as it may be, and stop with the blogging.
Dont worry it will only be for a week or two, by which time I will have plenty of stories and fun things to post up. So in the long run I am doing my faithful followers a favour instead of drawling on pointlessly about nothing.
I have my school prom shortly after the end of my exams and then from there it's all about our lads holiday in Bulgaria!
Should be a laugh with nearly 20 of us going, hopefully we all return in one piece! touch wood.
image from
I will probably have the rime after the exams to pop another post or two on, but that's just a maybe!
I will see what I can do for you.
See you all soon
Monday, 13 June 2011
Four exams down, 8 to go!
So i havent been posting a lot lately due to the sheer workload I have which is revising for my twelve exams!
image used from
So far I have taken:
Core 2 Maths which seemed like it went very well. Feeling pretty confident for that which is good
Statistics 2 Maths which went better than I thought it would! I wasnt very confident going into the exam but I think that also went pretty well
Electrons, Waves and Photons Physics paper which again seemed great!
And just today I took the Mechanics 2 Maths exam... and yes.. that also went great too! I know I have messed up on one question which I am kicking myself about, but if I have done as well as I think on the rest of the paper I should have a nice A grade to add to my Further Maths A level !
That A will be needed if I hope to attain a good grade in Further Maths overall due to the sheer difficulty of the Further Pure 2 Module.
A Module that I despise and wish would just go away... and leave me a nice A .... instead of a fail which I am rather scared about getting.
Sorry about this post, not the most enthralling of posts, but its something to keep you occupied during my time revising!
My exams finish on the 27th and I plan to go on a party spree when that date arrives!
Wish me luck :)
image used from
So far I have taken:
Core 2 Maths which seemed like it went very well. Feeling pretty confident for that which is good
Statistics 2 Maths which went better than I thought it would! I wasnt very confident going into the exam but I think that also went pretty well
Electrons, Waves and Photons Physics paper which again seemed great!
And just today I took the Mechanics 2 Maths exam... and yes.. that also went great too! I know I have messed up on one question which I am kicking myself about, but if I have done as well as I think on the rest of the paper I should have a nice A grade to add to my Further Maths A level !
That A will be needed if I hope to attain a good grade in Further Maths overall due to the sheer difficulty of the Further Pure 2 Module.
A Module that I despise and wish would just go away... and leave me a nice A .... instead of a fail which I am rather scared about getting.
Sorry about this post, not the most enthralling of posts, but its something to keep you occupied during my time revising!
My exams finish on the 27th and I plan to go on a party spree when that date arrives!
Wish me luck :)
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
The Social Network!
Its been out for a good while and my friend got it on blu ray and invited me over today.
So after our revision sessions in school we decided to go round and watch it, and I have to say it was a lot better than I thought it would be!
The idea of facebook or thefacebook as it was originally called was such a simple one but was massive.
It still seems odd to me though that it managed to beat the giant at the time of Myspace but I think it was to do with, as described in the film, exclusive side of facebook.
Originally it was only intended for students at Harvard University and then rapidly expanded to universities across the globe. The story of its creation and the controversy behind the idea supposedly being stolen from some other Harvard students makes it all the better for the film which has been directed well in my opinion.
It makes you think how a simple idea can generate so much money and power so quickly, obviously I dont know any coding or databasing and and couldnt do it myself but the idea of a social network site seems so simple.
Overall though I was pretty impressed with the film and think it is worth a watch!
Sorry for the lack of posts I'm in my exams and really shouldnt be on here! but hey, I have just come back from this weeks pub quiz .. so why not hey!..
So after our revision sessions in school we decided to go round and watch it, and I have to say it was a lot better than I thought it would be!
The idea of facebook or thefacebook as it was originally called was such a simple one but was massive.
It still seems odd to me though that it managed to beat the giant at the time of Myspace but I think it was to do with, as described in the film, exclusive side of facebook.
Originally it was only intended for students at Harvard University and then rapidly expanded to universities across the globe. The story of its creation and the controversy behind the idea supposedly being stolen from some other Harvard students makes it all the better for the film which has been directed well in my opinion.
It makes you think how a simple idea can generate so much money and power so quickly, obviously I dont know any coding or databasing and and couldnt do it myself but the idea of a social network site seems so simple.
Overall though I was pretty impressed with the film and think it is worth a watch!
Sorry for the lack of posts I'm in my exams and really shouldnt be on here! but hey, I have just come back from this weeks pub quiz .. so why not hey!..
Sunday, 5 June 2011
The random things that can get you traffic!
So heres my most random bit of traffic, some body had searched the keyword.. gorilla suit.. and my blog popped up!
Go to your blog dashboard and go to the stats tab, see what your most random search is and leave it as a comment!
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Someone once asked me! "Whats so great about these Morphsuits!?"
Let me answer that by firstly saying... I was in the pub last night .. and what wonders in.... 6 guys all in different coloured morphsuits just like we are planning!!
The whole pub turned and laughed, they were the topic of conversation for a good while... and then the pub quiz started so everyones excitment and confusion died down...
But thats the point of morphsuits! they are a laugh, they are fun to be in because you are the centre of attention! you wouldnt get anyone into a morphsuit... if you like to socialize and be the centre of attention then they are brilliant!
If you have the balls to wear one but tend not to socialise ... then you probably wont have much of a laugh! but having the balls to wear usually means you are the sociable type!
You can do all sorts! What ever you would do as an activity normally you can most probably do it in a morphsuit too.
A popular one is morphsuits and bocking as seen in this video, along with other random things!
And this guys just showing off strength in this video..
I did not make either of the videos I found them on youtube!
But hey! its all about the fun with morphsuits.
Do you understand how awesome these suits are now? :D
The whole pub turned and laughed, they were the topic of conversation for a good while... and then the pub quiz started so everyones excitment and confusion died down...
But thats the point of morphsuits! they are a laugh, they are fun to be in because you are the centre of attention! you wouldnt get anyone into a morphsuit... if you like to socialize and be the centre of attention then they are brilliant!
If you have the balls to wear one but tend not to socialise ... then you probably wont have much of a laugh! but having the balls to wear usually means you are the sociable type!
You can do all sorts! What ever you would do as an activity normally you can most probably do it in a morphsuit too.
A popular one is morphsuits and bocking as seen in this video, along with other random things!
And this guys just showing off strength in this video..
I did not make either of the videos I found them on youtube!
But hey! its all about the fun with morphsuits.
Do you understand how awesome these suits are now? :D
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
The Power of the Cup of Tea!
This is me putting on a dodgy face, completely intended, with the miracle that is a cup or rather in this case .. bucket of tea.
So last night I received a message saying.. "hey want to come for a drive?" so i thought... yeah why not!
So I got picked and the 5 of us headed off a decent way away to a place called thurstaston beach
Image from:
When we arrived it was much colder than I expected and so we only stayed for a short while, we could see the rain pouring in from Wales and decided to head off.. On the way we stopped to climbs thors rock for the fun of it.
Image from:
We decided to leave after a while and the idea of going back to someones house was suggested, so we stopped off at the shop and picked up some beer and vodka!
It got later and later and eventually we realised that it was light outside and that it was morning.. we had pulled an all nighter without intending to.
A cup of tea was in order and so now, not having slept since sunday night, I am currently being fueled by nothing more than cups of tea... a banana I had a 12.. and a pretty boring plain omelette I decided to throw together... at least my dads doing a nice pasta for tea, should be tasty!
So last night I received a message saying.. "hey want to come for a drive?" so i thought... yeah why not!
So I got picked and the 5 of us headed off a decent way away to a place called thurstaston beach
Image from:
When we arrived it was much colder than I expected and so we only stayed for a short while, we could see the rain pouring in from Wales and decided to head off.. On the way we stopped to climbs thors rock for the fun of it.
Image from:
We decided to leave after a while and the idea of going back to someones house was suggested, so we stopped off at the shop and picked up some beer and vodka!
It got later and later and eventually we realised that it was light outside and that it was morning.. we had pulled an all nighter without intending to.
A cup of tea was in order and so now, not having slept since sunday night, I am currently being fueled by nothing more than cups of tea... a banana I had a 12.. and a pretty boring plain omelette I decided to throw together... at least my dads doing a nice pasta for tea, should be tasty!
Sunday, 29 May 2011
The Morphing Outcome.

So yeah like I said in a previous post we all got our morph on and went to a party... well what actually happened...
We arrived at the party to see who was there... which turns out like my mates whole family of about 40 people plus all our school mates....
Ran upstairs and jumped in our suits and gear and all ran downstairs and outside where everyone was ... had a dance and ran for the trampoline for a bounce.... that turned out more of a brawl than a bounce due to how slippy the suits are!

Brilliant night.. I would tell anyone to get a morphsuit for the pure fun of it!

Dont ask about the ghillie suit ... our mates brother decided to join in... there was one of our mates in a gorilla suit at one point too!
Hopefully will have some more morph fun soon and I will post the pictures for everyone to laugh at!
How boring can working in a shop be?

The answer...
Just got home from a small 4 hour shift and wow was it boring.
Stacking books on shelves..
Serving the general public.. who by the way on a whole are generally not nice people..
Tidying magazines..
Filling a fridge back up with drinks...
Then just standing around printing and putting stickers on stuff, which was the best part of the day easily.
Being hastled by old people looking for random things like paper clips.
Also other people asking for directions to the closest internet cafe... which to be honest I dont even think exist where I live. Could be a good business idea.... Surely it cant be that hard to run an internet cafe.
Even the manager started talking about how he had watched the original power rangers and it was the best part of his week...
Like everyone else in life all I would like is a job that I enjoy! but to be honest I dont even know what I would like to do. The thought of doing the same thing day in day out just makes it boring..
At least I can chill out, eat and sleep for the rest of the night!.. unless I decide to do some much needed revision...
Saturday, 28 May 2011
The morning after the last day of school..
Well that was a strange one! Starting drinking at 13:00 is not a good idea....
I went home to have some food at about 19:00 then nearly fell asleep... then proceeded to go out to a party.
Got to the party and had a good laugh whilst trying to sober and liven up.. then was dragged out by a friend to walk back and get her ID and money from her friends house... It started raining.... got to the house.... there was nobody home and so we where stuck with a couple of quid ... the rain and no party!
We decided to get a taxi back to the party with the last of our money and ended up staying till we where thrown out..
As we got thrown out of the party.... it started to rain again... and we had to drag a drunken friend out who was pretty wasted and shouting all sorts of slurred jibberish.
We had no money and the girl who was wasted was in no state to get a taxi back.. so we had to walk in the rain which proved difficult as we had to literally drag her along the promenade to her house which had already previously visited that night.

As we got half was back which had taken the most part of an hour some cray psychopath was riding their bike screaming abuse at the top of their voice towards us... so as you do.. we managed to get the drunken girl to hurry the hell up and got home as quick as we could... safe from any psychopaths and freaks.
Got a taxi back with the girl who had finally got her stuff from her drunken friends house... walked home from hers then fell asleep .. dead
And now today I have to go to work... and then have another party after work! wish me luck
Anyone got any crazy party stories? leave me a comment with them !
I went home to have some food at about 19:00 then nearly fell asleep... then proceeded to go out to a party.
Got to the party and had a good laugh whilst trying to sober and liven up.. then was dragged out by a friend to walk back and get her ID and money from her friends house... It started raining.... got to the house.... there was nobody home and so we where stuck with a couple of quid ... the rain and no party!
We decided to get a taxi back to the party with the last of our money and ended up staying till we where thrown out..
As we got thrown out of the party.... it started to rain again... and we had to drag a drunken friend out who was pretty wasted and shouting all sorts of slurred jibberish.
We had no money and the girl who was wasted was in no state to get a taxi back.. so we had to walk in the rain which proved difficult as we had to literally drag her along the promenade to her house which had already previously visited that night.

As we got half was back which had taken the most part of an hour some cray psychopath was riding their bike screaming abuse at the top of their voice towards us... so as you do.. we managed to get the drunken girl to hurry the hell up and got home as quick as we could... safe from any psychopaths and freaks.
Got a taxi back with the girl who had finally got her stuff from her drunken friends house... walked home from hers then fell asleep .. dead
And now today I have to go to work... and then have another party after work! wish me luck
Anyone got any crazy party stories? leave me a comment with them !
Friday, 27 May 2011
Last Day Of School !
So its that time of year when the final day of school has come around! Today consisted of being late for lessons... playing twister in a library .... and annoying the hell out of people.... I have just come straight from the pub! its now 19:40 and I have been drinking since 13:00... so yes I am pretty drunk!
The teachers in my school thought it would be a good idea to follow us all to the pub and so we all ended up getting a round off out legendary teachers!
One of our mates tried to down 3 pints of guiness in 25 seconds....
he managed 2 and a half in about 10 seconds! .... seriously difficult.....
the other half of the pint was quickly thrown onto the table while he stumbled off to throw up the 2 and a half he had just downed plus his lunch......
The spelling mistakes in this post have hopefully been kept to a minimum! the fact I am also eating omlette and chips from the chippy doesnt help!
If you have left school, what was your last day like?? have any crazy things happen?
The teachers in my school thought it would be a good idea to follow us all to the pub and so we all ended up getting a round off out legendary teachers!
One of our mates tried to down 3 pints of guiness in 25 seconds....
he managed 2 and a half in about 10 seconds! .... seriously difficult.....
the other half of the pint was quickly thrown onto the table while he stumbled off to throw up the 2 and a half he had just downed plus his lunch......
The spelling mistakes in this post have hopefully been kept to a minimum! the fact I am also eating omlette and chips from the chippy doesnt help!
If you have left school, what was your last day like?? have any crazy things happen?
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Being a mad bastard.
So basically if you look at my ebay recently bought list I may look like a bit of a dodgy fetish freak....

This is one thing.
But theres also...

You may ask... What the hell are you doing...
But the answer is simple.. IM BEING A MORPH!
If you havent seen these suits before ... where have you been all your life? These suits are amazing for parties and just generally having a good laugh. 5 of my friends recently bought them too all in different colours so when we go on our lads holiday we can go clubbing as morphs.
Should be a giggle! what do you think?

This is one thing.
But theres also...

You may ask... What the hell are you doing...
But the answer is simple.. IM BEING A MORPH!
If you havent seen these suits before ... where have you been all your life? These suits are amazing for parties and just generally having a good laugh. 5 of my friends recently bought them too all in different colours so when we go on our lads holiday we can go clubbing as morphs.
Should be a giggle! what do you think?
For those of you who love portal !
Did this video a month or two ago and so my volume levels and mic are a bit dodgy but hey!
Its not the talking thats important if you are interested in this video!
Yes its a portal poster desktop theme with working links and various other features!
I did not create the person who did can be found over on all the information is in the video description on youtube.
I am still using this theme and think its brlliant! very simple to install and use!
Its not the talking thats important if you are interested in this video!
Yes its a portal poster desktop theme with working links and various other features!
I did not create the person who did can be found over on all the information is in the video description on youtube.
I am still using this theme and think its brlliant! very simple to install and use!
First two exams over!
So after a hard night of revision... which I didnt really do much of!
I kicked off the start of the exams this morning by sitting 2 of my 12 to be taken over the next month, most people complain about sitting 2 or 3 exams... but hey what can you do!
I am pretty happy todays exams, they both didnt seem as bad as I thought they would be
Its the final push to get into university at the start of the new school year and so its vital I do well in all of these exams.
So now I can just kick back and chill out for a week or two until the next one!
I kicked off the start of the exams this morning by sitting 2 of my 12 to be taken over the next month, most people complain about sitting 2 or 3 exams... but hey what can you do!
I am pretty happy todays exams, they both didnt seem as bad as I thought they would be
Its the final push to get into university at the start of the new school year and so its vital I do well in all of these exams.
So now I can just kick back and chill out for a week or two until the next one!
Wednesday, 25 May 2011
Portal 2 and Steams potato sack skin scandal!
So basically I thought I would take a break from a quick revision session to post up one of my videos about portal 2!
Steam promised an extra skin for co-op players if they bought the potato sack and preordered portal 2.... but did they deliver?
sadly ... the answer is still no.
I am back!
So yeah I only just realised I had a blogger after attempting to log in after browsing random blogs!
Thought I would use it for the reason I intended to .... two years ago... and blog!
But at the moment with it being the night before two of the most important exams of my life.... my A levels .... I really think I should keep it short and sweet!
I have two exams at 9 am in the morning and so have to be confined to a small room for three hours. not fun.
But hey after tomorrow it will be 2 of 12 exams completed!
Thought I would use it for the reason I intended to .... two years ago... and blog!
But at the moment with it being the night before two of the most important exams of my life.... my A levels .... I really think I should keep it short and sweet!
I have two exams at 9 am in the morning and so have to be confined to a small room for three hours. not fun.
But hey after tomorrow it will be 2 of 12 exams completed!
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