Saturday, 24 September 2011

Summer 2011.

Ok so I said I would be back soon and ... honestly .. forgot about blogging.. which I am really sorry about.

This summer has been stupidly good and I have managed to cram sooooo much in. Bulgaria was insane with the lads.

The sheer amount of parties and get together's I have been to is crazy and they have all been amazing.

I am currently at the end of my University freshers week having gained a place on a course at the University of Liverpool. Going to miss everyone whos spread themselves across the country sadly! but hey its only for a few weeks till xmas when we will all be reunited and have a ton of stories to tell!

This is only a brief one due to the fact that I am blasting some crazy house music preparing to get on it majorly and head into town with my uni halls corridor.

Sorry for the lack of posts on the past few months. If I still have any followers at all.... please leave me a comment! have missed you guys! :)